Additional Student Types

Others interested in attending classes at UNC Asheville may also apply for admission. The requirements vary depending upon the type of admission desired. In all cases students must provide verification of compliance with the North Carolina immunization requirement. If you have any questions, please contact the Admission Office at

Returning Students

Any UNC Asheville student who interrupts their educational program and does not attend another institution during their leave of absence must apply for readmission. A $20 non-refundable application fee is required.

Students who have attended another school since leaving UNC Asheville should complete the transfer student admission process.

Complete your Residency Determination

Returning Students Apply Online

Application Dates

  • Fall: March 15 – August 1
  • Spring: September 15 – January 12
  • Summer: March 15 – May 31

Non-Degree Students

Applicants who wish to take college courses but have no clear intention of obtaining a degree may be admitted to the university as non-degree students. Students who have been denied admission for reasons of academic deficiency, or previously enrolled students who have been dismissed, may not then be enrolled as non-degree students. A $35 non-refundable application fee is required.

Complete your Residency Determination

Apply online as a non-degree seeking student

Application Dates

Fall: March 15 – August 1
Spring: October 1 – January 12
Summer: March 15 – May 31

Post-Baccalaureate Options

Second-Degree Seeking Students

Applicants who already hold a baccalaureate degree from UNC Asheville or other regionally accredited institutions (minimum 2.0 GPA) can pursue a second baccalaureate degree. Students must declare the major for their second degree upon admission, unless prerequisite requirements are needed for entry to the UNC Asheville program. You can not declare a major if you already have a degree in that program. 

Complete Your Residency Determination

Apply Online

Major Declaration Form

Application Dates

  • Fall Deadline: June 15
  • Spring Deadline: November 15

Teacher Licensure

Post-Baccalaureate teacher licensure applicants must have a 2.7 minimum cumulative grade point average in their baccalaureate degree in order to be considered for the teacher licensure program. Those who wish to take college courses to renew their licensure may be admitted to the university as non-degree students. It is recommended that prospective students interested in teacher licensure contact UNC Asheville’s Department of Education at 828.251.6304.

Find Out More

Complete your Residency Determination

Apply Online

Lateral Entry Teachers

The State Board of Education is phasing out the “Lateral Entry Pathway.” This pathway will no longer be offered effective June 30, 2019. The entire lateral entry route will formally close and all candidates employed under this license option must have all requirements satisfied as of June 20, 2022.

NC Early College Students

Students that graduate from NC Cooperative Innovative High Schools (early colleges) and complete an A.A., A.S., or A.F.A. degree during their high school career are given the option to choose the academic criteria under which they are reviewed for admission. Students may select to be evaluated under first-year admission standards or transfer admission standards.

Students that select to be reviewed as transfer applicants must adhere to transfer requirements.

Home School Applicants

Students who are home-schooled should follow the instructions for either first-year or transfer students, as applicable to the individual student. Official final transcripts for admitted home school students must include the signature of the home school administrator.

Dual Enrollment for High School Students

Rising high school juniors and seniors may apply for dual enrollment admission to UNC Asheville to take courses not offered by their high school. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Course enrollment at UNC Asheville is determined by availability of space in the selected classes. There is no application fee. Applications for dual enrollment are only valid for one semester. Students must submit a new application for each additional semester that they wish to take UNC Asheville courses. All tuition and fees associated with enrollment are due at the time of registration.

Complete your Residency Determination

Dual Enrollment Application

Application Dates


Seniors Wishing to Audit Courses

Tuition Free Seniors Auditors (65+ years of age)