I. Policy Statement
This policy details UNC Asheville’s process for creating, revising, or rescinding university and divisional policies.
A. Reasons for the Policy
This policy promotes:
- consistent definition, process and format for policies;
- the appropriate level, scope and frequency of policy oversight; and
- shared understanding of policy processes
B. Responsibility for Maintenance of the Policy on Policies
The Office of the General Counsel is responsible for the maintenance of this policy, and for responding to questions posed regarding this policy.
C. Who is Governed by this Policy
All staff, faculty and students at the University. In addition, the UNC Asheville Faculty Handbook contains additional policies that pertain only to faculty members. Similarly, the UNC Asheville Student Handbook contains some policies that pertain only to students.
D. Who Should Know This Policy
All individuals involved in developing, complying with, or revising university or divisional policies.
II. Definitions
Responsible Office
The “responsible office” is the University office or unit with primary responsibility for administering a particular policy. The responsible office has the duty to review and answer inquiries about existing policy. The responsible office is also responsible for proposing and collecting feedback from campus constituents regarding new policies (i.e. within the appropriate subject matter area). In many cases, the responsible office is tasked with monitoring the effectiveness and ensuring compliance with a policy.
University Policy
- A university policy is a statement of University of North Carolina Asheville principle or intent that is of general university applicability and is approved by the Board of Governors, Board of Trustees, Chancellor, or the Chancellor’s delegee.
- A university policy must not conflict with policies of the Board of Governors or Board of Trustees, UNC system regulations or requirements imposed by federal or state laws or implementing regulations, and should be clearly written and well communicated to the campus community.
Divisional Policy
A divisional policy is a rule or requirement adopted by an academic or administrative unit of UNC Asheville under authority of a university senior staff member pursuant to authority delegated by a university policy or by the Chancellor. A divisional policy addresses specific subject matter areas that are limited in scope to a particular unit’s operational functions. A divisional policy may supplement but must not conflict with university policies and should be clearly written and well communicated to those subject to the policy.
Senior Staff
Members of the UNC Asheville Senior Staff include: Chancellor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellors, Chief of Staff, University General Counsel, Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Communication & Marketing, and Senior Administrator of University Enterprises/Director of Athletics.
Approval Authority
A policy’s approval authority is the administrator or entity with the authority, including delegated authorities, to approve a policy adoption, amendment, or recission. The approval authority for divisional policies is the relevant senior staff member.
III. Policy Development Process
Policy Development, Amendment, or Rescission
- Upon recognition of desired university or divisional policy creation, amendment, or rescission, staff within the appropriate responsible office drafts the proposed policy action in consultation with the senior staff member overseeing that area. The responsible office may consult with the Office of the General Counsel during the drafting period. Once drafted, the responsible office submits the policy proposal to the Office of the General Counsel to ensure legal compliance and consistency with existing policy.
- Following legal counsel review, divisional policy actions will be submitted to the appropriate senior staff member for approval. University policy proposals are disseminated to senior staff for its consideration. The university policy proposal should be accompanied by a written statement prepared by the responsible office stating the rationale for the new, amended, or rescinded policy.
- It is the responsibility of each senior staff member, or the member’s assigned designee, to review the proposal, provide feedback relevant to that member’s functional area(s), and identify any appropriate campus stakeholders from whom comment should be sought.
- Following review and comment by senior staff members and any appropriate campus stakeholders, the senior staff shall confer and direct a recommendation to the university policy’s approving authority.
- The approval authority shall act upon the recommendation by either rejecting or approving the recommended university policy creation, amendment, or rescission. In approving a recommendation to create or amend a university policy, the approval authority may adopt the recommendation as written or with its own edits.
Policy Format
A standard template has been created to aid consistency in policy drafting. The format will identify each policy’s responsible office, approval authority, and date of last review. Policy numbers will be assigned by the Office of the General Counsel. Please refer to the Associated Forms section of this policy for the official policy template.
Policy Dissemination
University and divisional policies are posted on the University’s website by the Office of the General Counsel. Any electronic republication of, or reference to, a university or divisional policy by any university unit should be by hyperlink to the official UNC Asheville policy web site. An email to campus will notify University members of new, amended, or rescinded university and divisional policies.
IV. Policy Review
Policy Review Schedule
Every university and divisional Policy shall be reviewed at least once every five (5) years, or more frequently in the discretion of the responsible office. Each policy shall include a “last reviewed date” headings. The responsible office is tasked with updating the policy as necessary based on changes in applicable law or regulation.
Technical Corrections
Responsible Office staff, in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel, is authorized to make technical corrections to a university or divisional policy as defined below:
1. Correct typographical errors;
- Make conforming changes to names, titles, statutory and regulatory references, and other designations;
- Correct inconsistencies among policies that may result due to a more recent policy adoption, amendment, or rescission;
- Annotate policies to cross-reference other provisions of the UNC Asheville Policy Manual.
Any technical corrections shall be summarized and reported in writing to the approval authority.