UNC Asheville Votes is a nonpartisan effort and resource on campus for students and community members interested in civic and electoral engagement. Our goal is to reduce barriers to voting and increase participation in local, state, and national elections. Whether you’re a first-time voter or need to update your registration details, we are here to assist you every step of the way.
Semester of Civics
The Fall 2024 semester has been designated the Semester of Civics to reflect UNC Asheville’s commitment to civic engagement, electoral participation, civil discourse, and democratic practices. Join us for a series of events and opportunities on campus to learn more about how you can get involved in the 2024 election, including voting, advocacy, and community involvement.
Important Election Dates & Deadlines
- September 17: National Voter Registration Day
Join us at one of the voter registration drives on campus all day.
- October 11: NC voter registration deadline
Same-day registration will still be available during the Early Voting period.
- October 17: Early Voting in NC begins
Information on the exact schedule, times, and locations for Buncombe County, NC.
UNC Asheville’s early voting site is located at the Health & Counseling Center at 118 W.T. Weaver Blvd
- October 29: Deadline to request an absentee ballot in NC
We recommend requesting well beforehand!
- November 5: Election Day
Absentee ballots must be received by Election Day.
Registering to Vote
Important Voting Information
UNC Asheville Votes Accomplishments
Voter Registration and Turnout Data
UNC Asheville participates in the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE). See below for our most recent reports on Student Voting Rates:
All-In Challenge Participation
In every election cycle since 2016, UNC Asheville has participated in the All-In Campus Democracy Challenge, which has recognized our achievements on campus, as follows:

We received a Platinum Medal for voter turnout rates of 80-89 percent in the 2020 Presidential Election.

We received the Bronze Medal for voter turnout in the 2016 election, which was awarded to campuses with voting rates between 50 and 59 percent.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at vote@unca.edu.