How Do I See a Medical Provider?

Appointments at the Health and Counseling Center are provided free of charge to all registered UNC Asheville students. Students may need to pay for medications or lab tests as needed. All appointments must be made in advance by calling (828) 251-6520. Health Services does not provide walk-in appointments. We encourage you to call and schedule a same-day appointment as needed.

How to set up an appointment:

How we Communicate

We routinely use the Patient Portal to send lab or imaging (X-ray, ultrasound) results to you. Providers and counselors may also use the portal for general communication after or before a scheduled visit. Voicemail is an alternative, but not our preferred choice for communication.

If you wish to be informed differently please bring this up at your appointment. We are aware that discussing health matters is a sensitive topic, and we will do our best to provide a supportive, non-judgmental interaction. If you have other questions and concerns, our staff clinicians will gladly counsel, answer questions, and order tests as appropriate during a scheduled appointment.

The Health & Counseling Center provides free Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening tests to students for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) once per semester. Screening is applicable in cases of possible exposure in the absence of physical symptoms. Additional STI testing may be performed depending on individual risk factors and exposures, with some tests possibly covered by insurance. Prior to your appointment, we advise that you read through the following information. To schedule an appointment, please call 828-251-6520.

Consider an STI screening if you:

  • Have had sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal) without protection (condom or other barrier).
  • Have been sexually assaulted.
  • Had a condom break during intercourse.
  • Are having sex with a new partner.
  • Learned that a past or current partner may have been exposed to an STI.
  • Have shared needles (HIV and hepatitis can be transmitted through blood).

Collection methods for chlamydia/gonorrhea:

  • Males – urine specimen*
  • Females – vaginal swab

*If opting for a urine specimen, please refrain from urinating for at least an hour before your appointment.

Collection methods for HIV screening:

  • Blood sample
  • Oral swab ($20) – for oral test, do not eat, drink, or use oral care products such as mouthwash, toothpaste, or whitening strips 30 minutes before the test.

How to order FREE safe(r) sex supplies:

Please complete this form to anonymously request safe(r) sex supplies to be delivered to your campus mailbox. If you do not live on campus, you may pick up your supplies at the Health & Counseling Center.


If you are considering contraception, consider reviewing the information on one of the websites below before scheduling your appointment.

The Health and Counseling Center provides a range of birth control options, including various oral contraceptives, the Depo-Provera shot, the Nuva Ring, and the Nexplanon rod, a form of long-acting reversible contraception. If you are unsure about which option is best for you, please schedule an appointment to discuss your choices with one of our providers. 

Refill instructions for contraceptive pills and Nuvaring obtained through the Health and Counseling Center 

Please call our automated refill request line at (828) 232-2993. Leave a message including your full name, date of birth, and the name of the product for which you need refilled.

For Students with Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance (Student Blue) 

If you anticipate no changes to your product, you have the option to order all the refills you are entitled to receive for the current semester in advance. For the fall semester, this includes up to five months’ worth, and for the spring semester, up to seven months.You may also pick up just one or two packs at a time if you prefer.

If you want to change products – Please schedule an appointment by calling us at (828) 251-6520.

For refills received from a pharmacy – Please leave a message at your pharmacy and they will fax us a refill request.

For Students with Private Insurance 

If you have private insurance (insurance other than BCBS Student Blue) and are interested in Nexplanon or an IUD, please call MAHEC Newbridge at (828) 257-4747, and they will gladly schedule an appointment for you.

The Health and Counseling Center is available to administer allergy injections to students 18 years of age or older provided that the Health and Counseling Center has received proper authorization from their allergist and that the student remains compliant with Injection Therapy Protocols.

To qualify for allergy injection care with the Health & Counseling Center, the following forms must be submitted prior to the start of the semester they are requesting allergy injections. 

  1. The Immunotherapy Permission Form, filled out by an MD/ allergist, and have it faxed to 828-250-2334.
  2. The Allergy Injection Student Contract, completed by the student and faxed to 828-250-2334.

Forms must be faxed. Any emailed forms, even if complete, will not be accepted.Allergy serum & MD instructions are to be dropped off at the Health & Counseling during operating hours at the start of the semester.

Please note:

  • Health and Counseling Center medical staff will assist students in getting serum refills and planning for times away from school (for example, semester breaks).
  • Appointments for injections are made by calling theHealth & Counseling Center in advance.
  • Students under 18, or those choosing not to remain on their allergist’s designated schedule, will be referred to Allergy Partners of WNC. This option is often chosen if a student prefers evening or weekend injections. 

Contact the Health & Counseling Center

Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


118 W.T. Weaver Blvd, Asheville, NC 28804