Medical Services List
Our medical providers in Health Services are available to assist you with various illnesses, injuries, and health planning. Office visits and medical examinations are free of charge. Small fees are required for laboratory services, medications, and minor surgical procedures.
- Acute & Chronic Illness Care
- ADHD services
- Allergy Injections
- Antibiotics
- Common Illnesses Treatment
- Contraception Couseling & Family Planning
- Emergency Contraception/ Plan B
- General Health Advice
- Gynecological Exam & Pap Test
- Immunizations (Limited / University Requirements)
- Injury Evaluation and Treatment
- Laboratory Services
- Minor Wound Care
- Nutrition and Dietary Counseling
- Pharmacy Clinic (Medication Management)
- Physical Examinations (sports and routine)
- PrEP Consultation
- Referrals for substance use assessments
- Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
- STD & HIV Testing
- Tobacco Cessation Assistance
How Do I See a Medical Provider?
Appointments at the Health and Counseling Center are provided free of charge to all registered UNC Asheville students. Students may need to pay for medications or lab tests as needed. All appointments must be made in advance by calling (828) 251-6520. Health Services does not provide walk-in appointments. We encourage you to call and schedule a same-day appointment as needed.
How to set up an appointment:
Create an account on your student health portal
This is where you will fill out all necessary paperwork to be seen at the Health & Counseling Center.
Call our office at (828) 251-6520 to schedule your appointments
Please cancel or reschedule your appointments 24 hours in advance. A missed appointment/no-show fee will be added to your account. This no-show fee policy ensures that our campus resources are used most effectively.
How we Communicate
We routinely use the Patient Portal to send lab or imaging (X-ray, ultrasound) results to you. Providers and counselors may also use the portal for general communication after or before a scheduled visit. Voicemail is an alternative, but not our preferred choice for communication.
If you wish to be informed differently please bring this up at your appointment. We are aware that discussing health matters is a sensitive topic, and we will do our best to provide a supportive, non-judgmental interaction. If you have other questions and concerns, our staff clinicians will gladly counsel, answer questions, and order tests as appropriate during a scheduled appointment.