Current Status

Tuesday, October 22nd
4:00 p.m.

Beginning Friday, October 25, 2024, UNC Asheville will move to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations). Classes will resume on Monday, October 28 in an online format.

This change in operating conditions reflects the University’s optimism that limited potable water will be restored to campus next week.

During Condition 2, mandatory employees must report to work as directed. All other employees are directed not to report to campus unless specifically directed by their supervisor and should consult with their supervisor regarding remote work.

In addition to water restoration, air quality testing and other restoration efforts remain ongoing in all campus facilities. Students’ return to campus is anticipated for sometime next week.

Thursday, October 24th
12:00 p.m.

Dear Staff and Faculty

As communicated by the Chancellor earlier this week, UNC Asheville will move to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) on Friday, October 25. Under Condition 2, the University remains open on a limited basis but has formally suspended all but mandatory operations. Employees designated or temporarily assigned as mandatory employees must report to work as directed; all other employees must not report to work during this status.

In accordance with UNC System policy and guidance, UNC Asheville has developed a policy related to leave and work provisions during Condition 2. That policy is attached. Employees have several options to choose from to assist with challenges they may face as the University continues progressing towards normal operations. They include:

Remote Work – Supervisors should compassionately work with their team members to determine the feasibility of the team members working remotely during Condition 2. Team members who are unable to perform their duties remotely have several leave options available to them to account for missed work.

Adverse Weather Make-Up Leave – Based on their job duties or personal circumstances, some employees may not be able to work remotely during Condition 2. Permanent employees may use Adverse Weather Make-Up Leave or other paid leave to cover absences during Condition 2. The deadline to make up work time missed using Adverse Weather Make-Up Leave is March 26, 2025.

Other Management Approved Leave (OMAL) – If a permanent employee’s living situation is still evolving due to ongoing safety risks or other serious Helene-related impacts, causing them to be unable to work remotely, they may be eligible for Other Management Approved Leave (OMAL). Please see the policy for details about the use of OMAL.

Supervisors should work proactively with their team members to determine which of the work and leave provisions apply to them and should develop a work plan that allows for maximum flexibility as it relates to each employee’s current situation while still adhering to this policy. _Any questions or concerns about the policy or how it applies to a given employee’s situation should be directed to

Kind Regards,

Deborah Shivers
Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Human Resources Officer

Wednesday, October 16th
12:00 p.m.

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

While progress has been made in the effort to restore water to campus, UNC Asheville is extending Condition 3 through Thursday, October 24th, to ensure we are able to thoroughly complete the water restoration process. We are diligently working to execute the plan to systematically test and flush the water lines, which will allow us to pressurize and prepare the entire system for non-potable water to flow. We will provide additional updates about the progress of this plan as it moves forward.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding while we ensure campus is safe and ready for everyone to return.

Wednesday, October 9th
5:30 p.m.

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

Earlier today, the Provost and I, along with other faculty leadership and guidance from the System Office, made the decision to move all coursework online for the remainder of the Fall 2024 semester.

We know that this news is abrupt, but we are committed to ensuring that we communicate with you as soon as possible on the many decisions being made to successfully complete the semester.

We are certain that you are filled with many questions, concerns, and possible challenges participating in online instruction and coursework beginning on October 28. We continue to finalize plans to provide online instruction so that we can ensure you have the necessary support to succeed.

In our commitment to being an innovative campus, online instruction will provide students with choices: they may stay where they are to complete their online semester or they may return to campus once the University has drinkable water and the campus is a safe and healthy place to live.

Faculty and staff will also be allowed to return to campus once we have drinkable water and details regarding that decision will be communicated as soon as we have more guidance.

We want nothing more than to see all of you on campus! We will continue to send updates as information becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this new normal. Take a deep breath. None of this is what we planned or hoped for, but we will work through these challenges together.



Kimberly van Noort, Ph.D.

Yvonne Villanueva-Russell, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Tuesday, October 8th
4:30 p.m.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

As the UNC Asheville community continues to recover from the devastating effects of Helene, we are focused on the comfort and care of our entire campus community while also restoring campus to a sense of normality. Essential personnel continue to work tirelessly on campus to ensure the safety of our beautiful University, and with the city, county, and the System Office to button up the hundreds of details to keep us running as efficiently and effectively as possible.

We have been working diligently to make contact with all faculty, staff, and students. If you have not been in touch with anyone from the University, please reply to this email so we may ensure everyone is safe and accounted for. There are several of you we have not heard from as of today, so please let us know your status at your convenience.

I realize that many of you are still without power, water, and access to regular internet services. When you are able, please read the emails that are sent to you from the campus community.

I hope that you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones. This is certainly a difficult moment for all affected by Helene and living without our normal creature comforts. Stay strong, stay in contact, and thank you to the many of you volunteering to help our community during this time.


Kimberly van Noort, Ph.D.

Due to the continued inoperability of the water and sewer infrastructure, UNC Asheville has extended Condition 3 status and will remain closed until at least October 21. During this time, only essential response employees will be permitted on campus. Employees unable to work during Condition 3 will receive paid administrative leave for their absences.

Academic continuity planning is ongoing, and classes will not resume until at least October 28.

Town Hall Sessions
We will soon hold town hall sessions for University stakeholders. More information about these sessions and how to join will be communicated soon.

Helene Information Page
A new webpage has been created to share information about our Helene response and to answer frequently asked questions:

Employee Item Pick-Up
To allow essential workers to continue clearing trees and perform other tasks to get our University back to working order, access to campus is restricted and card access to buildings is disabled. However, the following schedule for faculty and staff has been arranged to retrieve essential office items.

Please use the roundabout entrance to campus, and be prepared to show your RockyCard to law enforcement for allowance through any gates or roadblocks.

Please plan to clean out any refrigerators and perishable items so that we can avoid sanitation issues. You may leave the bags outside the building and we will collect them.

Wednesday, October 9 from 9–11 a.m.

  • Owen – University Heights Entrance
  • Ramsey Library – Quad Entrance
  • Zageir – Main Entrance

Wednesday, October 9 from 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

  • 181 WT Weaver (Advancement) – 2nd Level Main Entrance
  • 181 WT Weaver (Health & Counseling) – 1st Level Main Entrance
  • Brown – Admission & Financial Aid Entrance
  • Governors – Main Entrance
  • Karpen – Quad Entrance
  • Lipinsky – Quad Entrance
  • Phillips – Breezeway

Student Item Pick-Up
The following schedule has been established to allow for students to come to campus to pick up essential belongings. Vehicles may be picked up during any of the times noted. Students should bring their RockyCard and room key.

Wednesday, October 9 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

  • The Woods and Founders – Road access: Founders Drive

Thursday, October 10 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

  • The Village, Governors, and Mills – Road access: Campus Drive to Field Drive for The Village and Governors; Founders Drive for Mills

Tuesday, October 15 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

  • Ponder and Ridges – Road access: Campus Drive to Field Drive

Wednesday, October 16 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

  • The Woods and Founders – Road access: Founders Drive

Thursday, October 17 from 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

  • The Village, Governors, and Mills – Road access: Campus Drive to Field Drive for The Village and Governors; Founders Drive for Mills

Friday, October 4th
3:30 p.m.

It is hard to believe that just one week ago we were emerging from shelter and witnessing the magnitude of the storm we had just experienced and the unimaginable devastation it had wrought.

But we emerged, and in true Bulldog fashion threw ourselves into the tasks of ensuring that our students were safe and clearing access to the campus for emergency vehicles and services.

Immediately, our emergency operations teams began the challenging work of providing safety, food, water, medical and mental health services, and comfort to our students. We enlisted the assistance of our local, state, federal, and UNC System partners to access the resources necessary to ensure the needs of our students were met. These collaborations were integral to our ability to provide and care for our students.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to our facilities staff and our student affairs staff for the grueling work they accomplished in those first few days.

And I am grateful to the nearly 1,300 students who were on campus last Friday. They stepped up to support and care for each other in ways that often brought tears to my eyes. Our RAs and student staff were heroic.

All residential students have been relocated. They have left our Bulldog home, but they have not left our thoughts and our care.

Recovery has begun, and with communication lines improving it is clearer than ever to me what an extraordinary community this is. Our students, faculty, and staff are working tirelessly in their own neighborhoods and the region to assist in supply distribution, shelter, fundraising, and support for those whose lives have been so tragically disrupted.

The recovery period will be difficult in so many ways, especially with the mental and emotional strain we are all experiencing. Many in our community have lost loved ones, homes, cherished possessions, and now more than ever we must ensure they do not lose hope.

As we move forward, we are at the mercy of the water supply lines on campus. Even as power is restored, without running water we cannot allow ANYONE except essential, recovery employees to be on campus. Health and safety considerations must be first and foremost. I know many of you are anxious to retrieve belongings and, even more, to see one another and give much needed hugs. That time will come. In the meantime we are arranging specific times for groups to come on campus to access their rooms and offices to retrieve essential items.Here is some vital information:

  • Students will be permitted to pick up their vehicles from campus tomorrow, October 5, 12-6 p.m. They will need to bring their RockyCard to access campus, and residence halls will not be open to pick up essential items. Future dates and times for item and vehicle pickup will be announced soon, and students should check their email for those details.
  • Faculty and staff will be permitted to pick up essential items from their offices during set times next week. Provost Villanueva-Russell will be emailing soon with the details of this plan.
  • Health and counseling services are available to students. UNC Asheville’s Health and Counseling team is available to continue providing medical and mental health services to them via email ( Our system partners at the East Carolina University Center for Counseling and Student Development are also providing mental health services to our students 24/7.
  • Employees may access Faculty and Staff Assistance Program services, which are available 24/7, by calling 833-515-0768 or by visiting and entering our company ID: UNCAEAP.
  • As we enter a new phase in the recovery effort, we are formulating plans to ensure the academic continuity of the semester.
  • As a reminder, the campus is under Condition 3 until at least October 14. This means the University is closed for all regular activities, with only mandatory employees reporting to campus.
  • To ensure we have a carefully thought-out plan in place for our students to return, classes are suspended until at least October 28. A date has not been established for the return of residential students to campus. Pending improvements to utility infrastructure, more information about returning to campus will be forthcoming.
  • As we continue to assess our needs and recovery efforts, a UNC Asheville disaster relief fund has been established. Contributions will support the entire campus community. To give, visit

    Please stay safe and focus on well-being — yours and that of those around you. I can’t wait to see each and every one of you! Until then:



    Kimberly van Noort, Ph.D.

    Tuesday, October 1st
    3:45 p.m.

    Dear students, faculty, staff, and extended UNC Asheville community,

    As we begin to recover and move forward from the impact of Tropical Storm Helene, we at UNC Asheville, along with the entire UNC School System, stand in solidarity with the people of Western North Carolina. We are heartened by the way our community has come together since the storm’s arrival Friday morning.

    While the campus sustained minimal structural damage, UNC Asheville has been without electricity, running water, and internet since Friday.

    Communication with our campus and the broader community has been extremely limited due to impaired communications infrastructure, but slowly, we are gradually regaining our ability to connect.

    From the very beginning, student safety and well-being have been our primary concern. Prior to the storm, we had over 1600 residential students on campus. Through a coordinated dorm-to-dorm and room-to-room effort led by Student Affairs, we confirmed approximately 1300 students remained on campus when the storm hit. Students who remained housed in the residence halls were provided daily with drinking water, three meals, and support services.

    Throughout the last few days, we’ve worked diligently to ensure we knew where every student was on campus and to meet their needs. We’ve assisted all students residing on campus with finding safe relocation options, including identifying safe travel routes, providing students in need of gasoline for their cars, and relocating a very small number of students to another UNC System institution.

    Within 72 hours of Tropical Storm Helene, all on-campus UNC Asheville students were safely relocated.

    Although our Bulldogs do not currently have access to campus, clinical and mental health services remain available through all UNC institutions. More information on these services has been communicated through Bulldog Alert emails and push notifications.

    We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported us. Our staff, many of whom are dealing with the storm’s impact on their own homes and communities, have shown tireless dedication. We also thank our UNC System colleagues, the system office, sister institutions, first responders, and state and federal officials for their tireless efforts.

    UNC Asheville remains in Condition 3 and will remain closed until at least October 14. We have suspended all traditional University operations, and only essential employees will be permitted on campus.

    However, we are not done for the semester. Academic continuity planning has begun and we will have more information very soon as our assessments continue. Classes will not resume until at least October 28.

    We have heard from many members of our extended UNC Asheville community who are eager to support our campus. Your messages of solidarity and generous offers of assistance are greatly appreciated. As we continue to assess our needs and recovery efforts, a UNC Asheville disaster relief fund has been established. Your contributions will support the entire campus community. To give, visit:

    Bulldogs, you are resilient and we look forward to when we can welcome you home.

    Kimberly van Noort, Ph.D.

    Monday, September 30th
    2:30 p.m.

    Campus Status

    Bulldog Alert – Support Information and Operational Status
    Recovery operations remain ongoing at UNC Asheville. With tremendous gratitude, the University is collaborating with local, state, federal, and UNC System partners to support our students and employees.

    Relocation of On-Campus Students
    Due to resource constraints and diminishing life safety infrastructure in residence halls, student affairs staff are supporting all students remaining on campus to identify options for relocation. Students are being supported individually to identify and resolve barriers to relocation. The University endeavors to relocate all remaining students as soon as possible.

    Health and Counseling Resources for Students
    Mental health support for students not currently able to access on-campus services at UNC Asheville, can be reached by calling East Carolina University Center for Counseling and Student Development at (252) 328-6661, 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday, September 30 through Friday, October 11. Please identify yourself as a UNC Asheville student when you call. If you need to speak with someone after 5 p.m. or on the weekends, please call 855-603-9151.

    For students needing health services, several UNC system Student Health Centers are providing care. For a list of UNC institutions and their locations, please visit

    For questions or assistance in scheduling an appointment, please contact Dr. Bethany Meighen at or 304-389-0632.

    Health and Counseling Resources for Employees
    This is an extremely trying time for UNC Asheville employees as well. The UNC Asheville Faculty and Staff Assistance Program services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    There are two ways to access these benefits:

    1. Call 833-515-0768. You’ll speak to a counseling professional who will listen to your concerns and can guide you to the appropriate services you require.
    2. Visit Guidance Resources Online at and enter our company ID: UNCAEAP.
    3. University Operations Remain Suspended
      Due to unsafe conditions and significant recovery operations, UNC Asheville remains at Condition 3 (Closure) through at least October 7, 2024. Classes are suspended through at least October 9, 2024. Based on ongoing assessments, updates on the University’s operating condition will be provided as available. Members of the public are instructed to please avoid campus.

      Sunday, September 29th
      3:15 p.m.

      Campus Status

      After extensive impacts from Hurricane Helene, recovery efforts on campus are continuing. The University will remain at Condition 3 (Closure) through October 7. Classes are suspended until October 9.

      For Students in Asheville
      Students remaining on campus are safe. Our students’ safety and well-being remain our highest priority. Although the University remains without power, water, cellular communications, and internet, students residing on campus are housed, have access to bottled water, and are receiving regular meals.

      UNC Asheville students residing off-campus in the surrounding community and in need of meals are permitted to return to campus for food and drinking water. Students are directed to bring their RockyCard.

      Any students who need support, whether meals or other care support, may access University staff at the Bulldog Support Tent located on Reed Plaza in front of the Highsmith Student Union daily from 9:00am-5:00pm.

      Daily Student Meals are available to All Students in Brown Hall. This includes both on-campus and off-campus students:

      Breakfast: 9-10:30 a.m.
      Lunch: 12-1:30 p.m.
      Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

      For Students Outside of Asheville
      UNC Asheville students who have relocated may visit any constituent UNC institution to seek health and counseling services and other support. Students are directed to bring their RockyCard. For a list of UNC institutions and their locations, please visit

      Additional resources are being developed to aid recovery efforts. More information on these resources will be forthcoming.

      To Our Entire UNC Asheville Community
      Our hearts are with the entire Bulldog family and greater Western North Carolina community during this unprecedented generational event. Please stay safe. UNC Asheville will recover, and we look forward to when we can all be together again. #BulldogStrong

      Saturday, September 28th
      4:49 p.m.

      UNC Asheville is operating under Condition 3 (Closure) effective immediately. The University will remain in Condition 3 (Closure) until Monday, October 7, 2024. All classes are suspended until Wednesday, October 9, 2024.


      “Conditions at UNC Asheville are difficult. Significant tree damage has occurred and parts of campus are inaccessible. Everyone is safe. Cell and internet coverage is nonexistent at this point. Classes will be suspended until October 9. We are providing security, food, water, and comfort to the students remaining on campus.”

      STUDENTS AND FAMILIES: Our immediate attention is on supporting the safety and well-being of our students. Due to emergency response efforts throughout the region, city and county communication and services are strained. Students on campus are safe in residence halls, and they have food and drinking water. They do not have the ability to make calls or text. Communications across Buncombe County are nearly impossible.

      NON-MANDATORY EMPLOYEES: Non-mandatory employees are instructed to seek safety and avoid campus until Monday, October 7, 2024.

      MANDATORY EMPLOYEES: All mandatory employees are instructed to report to campus to communicate directly with their supervisor, likely in Weizenblatt, Sam Miller, or Governors Hall.

      GENERAL PUBLIC: Due to unsafe conditions and significant recovery operations, members of the public are instructed to please avoid campus.

      Stay Safe

      We urge all members of our campus community to prioritize safety. For further updates, please continue to monitor Bulldog Alerts and your campus email.

      Friday, September 27th
      9:28 p.m.

      Weather impacts have created multiple hazards on campus and significantly compromised university infrastructure. Conditions surrounding the campus present extreme and unprecedented safety hazards and have severely impaired emergency response capacity.

      North Carolina is in a State of Emergency.

      The City of Asheville is issuing a curfew effective 7:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m. The university is currently experiencing:

      • No electricity
      • No water
      • No cellular service or ability to send or receive texts
      • Dangerous conditions due to fallen trees and limbs
      • Damaged trees
      • Downed powerlines
      • Unstable saturated soil

      Our immediate attention is on supporting the life and safety of our students. We will provide an update on campus operations by tomorrow morning, Saturday, September 28 so that students that can travel home can do so when it is safe and in the daylight.

      Friday, September 27th
      12:44 p.m.

      Utilize 828-251-6710 to contact University Police until further notice. Please share with UNC Asheville campus community.

      Friday, September 27th
      11:30 a.m.

      This is a dangerous situation. Do not go outside or travel. There are downed power lines, falling trees, roads are blocked.

      Friday, September 27th
      10:40 a.m.

      Continue to shelter. Roads are impassable and travel is dangerous.

      Friday, September 27th
      8:30 a.m.

      Dining delayed. Shelter in buildings. Do not go outside. Updates will be provided when it is safe to go outside.

      Friday, September 27th
      7:00 a.m.

      Hurricane Helene has reached Western North Carolina and begun to impact campus. We anticipate a significant weather impact this morning.

      Campus Updates
      Our campus Emergency Operations Center has been open and actively monitoring the storm and campus impacts throughout the night.

      Campus is currently without power and internet. Impacts on cellular networks have caused data instability. This means cellular and text services are failing.

      At this time, water and other utilities are still intact. We will continue to monitor and update the campus community as needed.

      Stay Safe
      Please make every effort to stay protected during the storm:

      • Stay inside and avoid travel.
      • Have a way to get weather alerts and forecast updates, and stay informed through the entire event. A great resource is

      Please continue to monitor Bulldog Alerts and your campus email. If you need University Police, contact, (828) 251-6710.

      Thursday, September 26th
      7:35 p.m.

      As we prepare for Hurricane Helene to impact Western North Carolina and campus, please make every effort to stay protected during the storm:

      • Stay inside after 8pm and avoid travel.
      • Have a way to get weather alerts and forecast updates, and stay informed through the entire event. A great resource is
      • Charge phones and electronic devices while power is available.
      • Follow all Bulldog Alerts.

      Evacuation Order Guidance
      Buncombe County may issue an Evacuation Order to all county residents living within proximity to the French Broad River. Please review the following guidance on Evacuation Orders:

      • Students Living In Campus Residence Halls – General evacuation orders may not apply to residence halls. If evacuation of any campus residence hall becomes necessary, then a Bulldog Alert will be issued, and students will be notified directly by Campus Officials. Students should continue to monitor Bulldog Alerts closely and follow all requests and orders made by Campus Officials.
      • Students Living Off Campus – Follow all evacuation orders and listen to local officials.

      Stay Safe
      Please continue to monitor Bulldog Alerts and your campus email. If you need University Police, contact (828) 251-6710.

      Thursday, September 26th
      8:30 a.m.

      Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

      Due to the continued severe weather and worsening conditions, UNC Asheville will move to suspended operations (Condition 2) and suspend all classes and campus activities effective at 9:30 a.m. today, Thursday, September 26. The University will remain in Condition 2 and all classes and campus activities will remain suspended through 11:59 p.m on Friday, September 27.

      For Students and Faculty:
      Classes scheduled before 9:30 a.m. will proceed remotely, but all classes and activities after 9:30 a.m. are canceled for the remainder of the day.

      For Students:
      While it is currently raining on campus, Hurricane Helene is not slated to reach the region until Thursday evening. Given the change in storm forecast overnight and the high likelihood of quickly deteriorating conditions on campus, we are encouraging students who can travel home or to another safe location to do so for the remainder of the weekend. For students who are unable to travel home, Residence Halls and dining services will remain open, although with limited and likely impaired services and operations. Students will receive a follow-up email with additional information and a required Storm Check-In Form.

      Students who are able to travel to a safe location should check their route before traveling and then communicate with friends and family, letting them know you’re traveling and your estimated time of arrival. Contact emergency services if necessary.

      For All Employees:
      Non-mandatory employees are directed NOT to report to campus. Non-mandatory employees are permitted to work remotely, as authorized by their supervisors. Employees should code leave if not working or may make up the time within 90 days.

      Mandatory employees should continue to follow instructions from their supervisors and report to work unless otherwise notified.

      Stay Safe

      We urge all members of our campus community to prioritize safety and avoid travel if possible. If you must travel, please monitor local conditions and proceed with extreme caution.

      For further updates, please continue to monitor Bulldog Alerts and your campus email. Stay informed by visiting for the most up-to-date information on weather conditions in our area.

      Thank you for your cooperation, and please stay safe.

      In case of an emergency on campus, contact Campus Police at 828-232-5000.

      In the event of an alert on campus, this website will be updated frequently with instructions and information about the incident, campus services and resources available to the campus community.

How do I enroll in Bulldog Alerts?

Great news! Students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in Bulldog Alert with contact information registered with the university. Students, Faculty and Staff can opt-out of messages or verify contact information online.

Additional Information