Reporting & Support

The Title IX Office is here to provide support and assistance. If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence, or stalking, please reach out to the Title IX office.

Please see the categories below to view reporting instructions and access additional support services. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or, if you are on campus, call University Police at 828.232.5000.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

To report sexual misconduct, contact the Title IX Coordinator:

Heather L. Lindkvist
Title IX Coordinator
Office: Highsmith 116
Phone: (828) 232-5658

Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Telephone: 800.421.3481
Fax: 202.453.6012; TDD: 800.877.8339

Reporting Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a crime. Crimes of violence affect everyone, regardless of gender, and can occur in any relationship whether you are straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, queer or questioning. However, it is your decision whether or not to file a police report. Read more about your options following an assault. There is no wrong choice, only the choice that is right for you. If you decide to report the assault, you have options for how to do so:

Anonymous Reports

To submit an anonymous report, complete the Anonymous Crime Report form.

Confidential Reports

Confidential reports remain between you and the person to whom you report.

  • Choosing Not To Report: You can choose not to report the sexual assault. This means you do not have to speak with law enforcement nor the Title IX Coordinator
  • Speak with Health and Counseling: We encourage you to get as much support as possible. Please feel free to reach out to multiple support services.
  • Contact Our VOICE: Our VOICE serves all individuals in Buncombe County affected by sexual assault and abuse, through counseling, advocacy and education.
    • Blind Report with Asheville Police Department through Our VOICE: If the sexual assault happened within Asheville city limits, you can file a blind report with the Asheville Police Department by calling the Our VOICE crisis line (828.255.7576). A blind report is one in which you provide information about the sexual assault and the suspect but do not have to give information about yourself, including your name. You can provide as much or as little information as you wish. This information will be kept on file in case another person experiences an act of violence by the same person.

Non-Confidential Reports

  • Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator: We encourage ALL students, visitors, and employees to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • Reporting to UNC Asheville faculty, staff, or residential assistants: You may report sexual misconduct to any employee. Be aware, they have a duty to report it to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • Reporting to UNC Asheville Police:
    • Call 828.232.5000 to reach University Police.
    • University Police are mandated reporters and Campus Security Authority (CSA). They are obligated to notify the Title IX Administrator and the District Attorney.
    • You are not required to prosecute or pursue campus action. You may choose to pursue action at a later time.
    • An officer will help secure medical attention and emotional support from campus resources.
    • The officer will assist in preserving evidence and preparing a case for court, or for the UNC Asheville Citizenship Education Process.
    • If the assault happened off-campus, the officer will help you contact the proper law enforcement agency if desired.
    • Reports filed are counted and disclosed in the annual crimes statistics for the institution.
  • Filing Criminal Charges: You can pursue criminal charges based on North Carolina laws regarding sexual assault.
    • ​You may visit the Buncombe County Family Justice Center. The FJC is a safe place where victims of domestic violence and sexual violence can go for help. There are many different services in one location.
    • This entails making a police report. 
    • The report will begin an investigation and possible criminal proceedings involving the District Attorney’s office.
    • The District Attorney generally has the final say as to whether to send a case to court.
    • An Our VOICE Case Manager can assist you throughout the legal process, accompanying you to police interviews and court and assisting you with obtaining other resources.
  • Pursuing action through the University Procedures (if the responding party is another student):
    • Sexual assault is prohibited at UNC Asheville and is a violation of the Student Code of Community Standards.
    • Students have a right to file a formal complaint of sexual assault with the Title IX Office.
    • Complaints may be pursued through an informal process or a formal process. The Title IX Coordinator will review those options and all procedures with you so that you can make the best choice.
    • It is entirely up to the reporting party as to what course of action to take, unless there is an imminent threat to the campus. The Coordinator may proceed without the reporting party in those instances.
    • Protective measures will be taken to maintain your confidentiality and safety and to prevent retaliation of any kind.
    • If the complaint meets the definition of Sexual Harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking) under Title IX, the complaint will be adjudicated through the established procedures for informal and formal resolutions, as so determined by the reporting party, and outlined in our Community Code of Standards.
    • The reporting party may choose to withdraw a formal complaint at any time and/or resume adjudication through the informal process at any time.
    • Remedies and resources will be provided to students regardless of whether they choose to pursue a Title IX informal or formal process.
    • Students wishing to learn about their options, seek help and support from the University, and/or pursue a complaint are encouraged to have a private conversation with the Title IX Coordinator by calling 828.232.5658 or emailing

  • All University employees are considered private (non-confidential) resources and have an obligation to report all disclosures of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • If someone wishes to report sexual misconduct to you, you must inform them of your obligation to report it to the Title IX Coordinator. Emphasize that the obligation to report is to ensure they are aware of the available support services and resources.
  • All employees should know the available confidential resources on-campus or in the community (e.g., campus counselors, local rape or domestic violence crisis center, or local pastoral counselor).

Once someone impacted by sexual misconduct discloses an incident to you, maintain a trauma-informed, culturally responsive approach as you support the individual.

  1. Take a deep breath. You lay the foundation for how the individual will reach out for any kind of help or support.
  2. Be clear and transparent about your reporting obligations. Emphasize that the obligation to share all known information with the Title IX Coordinator is to ensure they receive support services, remedies, and resources.
  3. Listen actively and focus on what the person shares. Let them guide the conversation.
  4. Believe the person’s experience.
  5. Support without judgment.
  6. Communicate that the individual (victim/survivor) is never to blame for what happened.
  7. Empower the individual by asking them what they need.
  8. Identify private and confidential resources available on campus and in the community. Inform them of their reporting options, including the Title IX Office and University Police.
  9. Be authentic and genuine.

Questions you can ask:

  • Do you feel safe?
  • How can I help? or What do you need?
  • Have you spoken with someone else?
  • Do you want me to contact someone for you?
  • Do you want me to call or go to the Counseling Center with you?

Confidential Resources


  • Health and Counseling Services


  • HelpMate
  • Our Voice
  • Certain offices in the Buncombe County Family Justice Center

Private (Non-Confidential) Resources*


  • University Police
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Human Resources
  • Student Affairs or Residence Life Case Managers
  • Office of Multicultural Affairs
  • All staff and faculty, including student employees such as RAs.


  • Asheville Police Department
  • Buncombe County District Attorney’s Office: 828.259.3400
  • Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department

*Private resources must contact the Title IX Coordinator promptly after receiving a disclosure of sexual misconduct. The Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the individual to offer remedies, supportive measures, and resources.

If you have been sexually assaulted: please seek help, safety, and security.

Step 1: Seek Help

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you are on campus, you can call University Police at 828.232.5000.

  • Get to a safe place as soon as possible.
  • Try to preserve physical evidence. Do not shower, bathe, douche, drink or eat, smoke, or change clothes. If changing clothes is unavoidable, put all the clothes you were wearing at the time of the assault in a paper bag.
  • Contact someone you trust and who can help you, such as the police, a friend, a counselor or your local sexual assault agency. Our VOICE, the Buncombe county rape crisis center has advocates who are available to speak with you, and/or meet you at a hospital emergency department or police station, 24 hours a day. To get in touch with an Our VOICE advocate, call the crisis line at 828.255.7576.

Step 2: Seek Confidential Medical Attention

If you need immediate medical attention because you’ve experienced physical or sexual violence, go to a hospital emergency room. Mission Hospital in Asheville is the closest hospital to the UNC Asheville campus. Getting medical attention does not mean you have to pursue criminal charges. You also may decide to have a rape kit done. Transportation to a hospital can be arranged by calling University Police at 828.232.5000.

For Sexual Assaults

A specific sexual assault examination can be done that addresses your medical needs, as well as the collection of forensic evidence that may be useful should you decide to report the crime and press charges. You are under no obligation to prosecute even if you have the evidence collection kit done. Medical evidence can be collected up to 72 hours after an assault. This can be done at a hospital emergency room.

A trained Our VOICE advocate will be called to meet you at the hospital, though it is your choice whether they stay or leave.

In the emergency room, you can receive:

  • A medical examination and/or treatment
  • Prophylaxis (antibiotics to prevent certain sexually transmitted infections)
  • Evidence collection
  • Emergency contraception (if applicable)

UNC Asheville Health Services are available for non-emergency medical care and an appointment can be made by calling 828.251.6520. Health Services provides free testing for certain sexually transmitted infections to UNC Asheville students. They also provide pregnancy testing and emergency contraception (Plan B) for a small fee and can help direct you to other resources you may need.

Step 3: Report the Incident to the University

You are encouraged to report sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and other criminal activity and misconduct to the university. Reporting to the university provides you with the option of addressing the incident under the university’s Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence policy. It also allows the university to provide any available interim protective measures such as academic accommodations, changes to housing, and changes to class or work schedules. At the time a report is made, you are not required to decide on any particular course of action.

You are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator below to report any incidents. They can also help you contact law enforcement to investigate the incident. Feel free to bring a support person along with you to make the report.

Heather L. Lindkvist
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Integrity and Access / Title IX Coordinator
Office: Highsmith 116
Phone: (828) 232-5658

Step 4: Recovery

Let Others Help

  • University Health & Counseling provides free confidential health and counseling services for students (828.251.6520).
  • Friends and family can offer support by listening to you, keeping you company, walking to class with you, or going to appointments.
  • Our VOICE, the local rape crisis center has over 40 years of experience helping and advocating for survivors of sexual assault. They can help you make choices about reporting, joining a support group, or finding a counselor. They can be reached 24/7 at 828.255.7576.

Months after an Assault

Recovery is an ongoing gradual process. There are many reactions after trauma, and some symptoms may appear months after an assault. Reach out to your personal support network or speak with a counselor or psychologist.

There is a wide range of services available to victims/survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct on campus and in the greater community.

Confidential Resources

A Confidential Resource may not share your information without your expressed consent unless there is imminent danger to self or others, or as otherwise required by law (e.g., mandatory reporting for sexual or physical abuse against minors).

On Campus

Health & Counseling Center

The Health & Counseling Center provides confidential counseling and medical services to students who are survivors of sexual assault, may provide referrals to community resources, and can assist students in notifying proper authorities if desired.

828.251.6520, Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm
After 4:30pm or Sat and Sun,
call Bulldog Health Link at 984.364.4685

Students can access immediate after hours help for concerns associated with sexual assault, anxiety, depression, panic, suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors, concern for a friend, medical consultation and community resources.

Bulldog Health Link 984.364.4685
Monday – Friday  5:00 PM to 8:00 AM and Saturday and Sunday 24 hours.

UNC Asheville Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program provides resources and referrals for faculty and staff, including initial counseling services. There are two ways to access these services:

  1. Phone Number: 833-515-0768 (24-Hour)
  2. Website: and enter our company ID: UNCAEAP

Off Campus


828.255.7576 (24-Hour Hotline)


828.254.0516 (24-Hour Hotline)

Family Justice Center

The Family Justice Center provides medical forensic exams during business hours.
828.250.9600 (8:00am – 5:00pm)
35 Woodfin Street
Asheville, NC

Mission Hospital – Compassionate Care Unit

Mission provides medical forensic exams at any time.
828.213.1111 (24-hour)
509 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801

North Carolina Victims Assistance Network

Rape Victim Assistance Program

Private (Non-Confidential) Resources

A Private Resource is required to promptly share a disclosure of sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence, or stalking, including all known details, with the Title IX Office. This information will only be communicated with others on a need-to-know basis or as required by law. By sharing this information, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to affected parties to ensure they are aware of their rights and available resources, support services, and processes.

All UNCA faculty and staff are designated as private resources (responsible employees). Resident Assistants (RAs), Orientation Mentors, and other designated student employees also must report.

Off Campus Law Enforcement

Asheville Police Department

Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office

 Additional Rights and Resources

Whether or not a student or employee reports to law enforcement and/or pursues any formal action, if they report an incident of sexual violence, UNC Asheville is committed to providing them with a safe learning or working environment. Upon request, UNC Asheville will make any reasonably available change to a victim/survivor’s academic, living, and/or working situation. The Title IX Coordinator can facilitate these accommodations.

If you have questions concerning a leave of absence or withdrawal, you may contact the Office of Financial Aid. They are located on the 2nd Floor of Brown Hall and can be reached at 828.251.6535 or